知产求职 就在顾应聘
盘锦伟英兴高性能材料有限公司 平均薪酬是¥9.5K/月,最多人拿 6k-10k,最高工资职位是。
¥9.5K / 月平均工资
薪酬区间: 1.5k - 30k+,最多人拿:6k-10k
1.5k-3k 3k-6k 100% 6k-10k 10k-15k 15k-30k+
辽宁-盘锦 | 合资企业 | 本科学历
岗位职责: 1.支持知识产权保护政策和程序的实施,包括在威格斯IP的协助下提供培训。Support the implementation of IP Protection Policy&Procedure including by providing training with assistance from Victrex IP. 2. 根据知识产权保护政策和程序3.0部分规定的IP保护政策和程序,完成常规的业务审计。Complete regular audits across the business for compliance with the IP Protection Policy and Procedure. 3. 确定IP保护政策和程序不符合要求的问题,并及时采取纠正措施。Identify IP Protection Policy and Procedure non-conformance issues and promptly take corrective action. 4. 调查任何违反和不遵守本政策的行为,并报告给生产总监、商务总监和威格斯 IP。Investigate any breaches and non-compliance with this policy and report to the Production Director, Commercial Director and Victrex IP. 5.协助根据IP保护政策和程序对文档进行分类,并实施必要的控制。Assist with classifying documents in accordance with the IP Protection Policy and Procedure and implement the necessary controls. 6. 为全体人员执行和遵守本政策提供支持。Provide support to all Personnel in implementing and complying with this policy. 7. 与其他业务部门(包括IT和HR)协调,确保IP保护政策和程序在整个业务范围内得到执行和遵守。Coordinate with other business functions including IT and HR to ensure the IP Protection Policy and Procedure is implemented and complied with across the business. 8. 定期检查或审核 IT 设施和服务器,确保所有电子信息都得到保护。Conduct regular checks or audits of IT facilities and servers ensuring all electronic information is secured. 9. 通过使用适当的软件、纸质印刷/借用和处置记录电子文件分发。Maintain logs of electronic document distribution through appropriate software, hard copy printing/borrowing and disposal. 10. 维护访问控制矩阵和记录。Maintain access control matrix and records. 11. 保留向政府和监管机构披露的记录。Maintain records of disclosures to governmental and regulatory authorities. 12. 维护敏感和高度敏感信息文件的清单。 Maintain PANJIN VYX Sensitive and PANJIN VYX HIGHLY Sensitive file list. 13. 担任公司文控中心,发行、更新、废除相关管理制度及文件。负责公司档案室管理。Act as company document control center, release, update and scrap related documents accordingly. Responsible for achive room management. 14. 主管领导安排的其它工作。Other work assigned by line manager. 任职资格: 1.教育背景Education Background: 本科及以上学历。Bachelor’s degree or above. 2.技能Technology: 具有知识产权师资质优先考虑。Intellectual property professional certificate is preferred. 3.工作经验Experince: 两年以上知识产权管理或文档系统管理经验。Over 2 years intellectual property management or documentation system management experiences. 4.能力Capability: 良好的问题解决能力、沟通技巧、语言表达能力及团队精神。Good problem solving, communication, expression and team spirit. 5.优秀的英语/汉语听说读写能力。Proficient in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing of both English & Chinese. 6. 熟练使用日常办公软件(尤其是excel和PPT)。Good skill for office software (especially excel, PPT)
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